Okay, is a website truly needed for a business to thrive? Like, do you think that the absence of a website is stopping your business from making sales? Um, let me surprise you. The answer is NO. But is a website recommended for that same business? The answer is absolutely YES. I would want to give you a little background of what prompted the question in the first place.

Our observation from people who need a website.

From around 2021 up till now, we’ve designed like about 20 websites for clients. But unfortunately, half of these clients failed to renew their website after one year. Now you begin to wonder why a business would invest some tens of thousands into a business and abandon it just like that? So we decided to find out what was actually happening.

Our Finding

And from our research, it turned out that most clients go for a website for the wrong reasons. And the most obvious reason being that they think that once they get their website it automatically translates to making sales. But that’s wrong. A website is a long term investment. It will take you not less than two years to start earning fully the dividends of a website.|

The Reason

This is because it takes your site some time to gain authority on the web. Take, for example, we hosted our website in 2019. The website was just there, not until early 2022, when we started receiving little, little orders from the website. But now, did the long wait pay off? Yes. Now we can be on our bed while a stranger finds you online, makes an order online, or even chat you through the website to make a purchase.

So if you don’t have this. time frame in mind and just go and get a website for your business, it might turn out to be a rush in rush out venture.

Need website for google payment

We also found out that some persons they go into getting a website just because they heard that once you have a website that Google can be paying you. They don’t make further inquiry, they just rush into getting it.
To earn Google payment, you need what is called a Google AdSense account. But to get this Google AdSense account is almost as difficult as impossible for Nigerians. So what it means is that you may have to buy it, and the cost for buying an AdSense account right now should be within 50k or thereabouts.

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But does getting the AdSense account just solve the problem? No. In fact, that’s when the real work starts, because for you to earn something tangible through your AdSense account, you must be posting solid content regularly. You have to write them, you have to post them. The more you get people who are interested in your web content, the more money you make from it.

And if I must report a little of our own. Guess what? For the past one year, we’ve not even reached 100$ on our AdSense account. Well, that doesn’t mean others are not making it. There are people who are earning tens of thousands through Google AdSense.

The Take

So what’s the point here? Whether you need a site to promote your business or whether you need it to start earning through something like Google AdSense, just keep it at the back of your mind, that it takes a lot of effort and time so that you don’t waste your money and get a website just to abandon it after say a year. Then if you have the patience and the resources to make that long term investment, there are mouth watering reasons why I say that a website is highly recommended for any business whatsoever, especially businesses that have scalability in mind.

The Juice

Once your website have gained authority on the web, it’s going to surprise you how much customers are searching for what you offer online. Quite a good number of them will just be reaching out to buy from you. Also, owning an authoritative website is going to open you up to a lot of partnership. People here and there will just be coming with offers, juicy offers, so to say.

Then lastly and very importantly, it gains you trust. Client tends to trust a business more if they can’t find that business online.

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