five skills to learn for extra income

Gone are the days when young people (graduate and non-graduate) are sure of securing a job when they need it the most. With this increasing rate of unemployment worldwide, particularly in Nigeria, strategies to make a living are changing. Hence, we have highlighted five skills to learn for extra income and to help someone make a living without being on the playlist of an employer

Note: None of these is a get rich quick scheme. Each of them requires time, effort, mastery and dedication to pay

  • Digital Media Marketing

Digital marketing is the act of selling products and services through channels such as social media, SEO, email, and mobile apps

The digital world is a large one offering a vast amount of opportunities for both organizations, their current consumers, and prospective consumers. Digital Marketing will require investment in specifically targeted courses and training.

A good place to start is the Google Skills For Africa The Fundamentals Of Digital Marketing Course. You can also enrol on our online Digital Marketing class. It’s superb.

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Job Opportunities of a Digital Marketer

Once you master this skill, you can work for any institution on your own terms.

You can also check out websites like Indeed and Jobberman for companies in need of your services

  • Content Writing/Marketing

Sometimes, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, and Content Writing are used interchangeably but this is wrong.

Both skills are distinct and cater to different needs within an organisation.

Content Marketing is the creation and sharing of free content without explicitly marketing a product or service. Think of Content Marketing as a subtle type of digital marketing through the means of content creation. This content could be in form of a written text, audio, or video (skits, etc).

On the other hand, Content writing is the process of planning, writing, and editing content for the web. In the case of Content Writing, the idea isn’t to market a product or service.

Job Opportunities for a content marketer/writer

Once you master this skill, you can work for different websites and blogs.

You can write skits for social media comedians

You can also check out websites like Indeed and Jobberman for companies in need of your services

  • Online Coaching

Do you have a skill you have already mastered?  Skills like makeup and makeovers, web programming, and so many digital skills. You could afford to teach others for some pay.

Yes, littered over the web are classes like these, but believe me, not very many persons have the intelligence to source these online. You can capitalize on this ignorance, advertise what you teach on WhatsApp, Facebook, etc. You can organize your class on WhatsApp too and get paid for your time.

For persons who wish to take it to an extra height, can get an affordable website, to  add legitimacy to what they do

  • Graphics Design

Graphics Design is the creation of visual content to communicate a message. Think of the e-flyers and posters you see online – these are just a few examples of the kind of visual content created by Graphics Designers.

Why interest yourself with Graphics Design? Minus the limitless opportunities this skill can create for a professional, this skill could open one up to other skills such as Animation Design, etc

Thankfully, affordable online courses are available to learn this skill. You can also enrol on our online Graphics Design class. It’s a superb way to start and master the skill

Job Opportunities for a Graphics Designer

Once you master this skill, you can get jobs from sites like,,

You can also check out websites like Indeed and Jobberman for companies in need of your services

  • UI/UX

UI stands for User Interface which is the aesthetic elements through which people interact with a product while UX stands for User Experience, basically, the experience a person has while making use of a digital product.

This is relatively a brand new niche in terms of skills development. There are quite a few masters in this field.

You can join the early divers to secure a space in this area before it crowded.

Job Opportunities for a UI/UX Designer

Every website you find on the web, or APP you find on Playstore should pass through the hand of a professional UI/UX designer. This alone should tell you how much you are needed once you master this skill


If you have found any of our five skills to learn for extra income, useful, please share with friends.


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