Are you thinking of how to start a poultry business in Nigeria? Yes? Ok, this post cover all the essential topics required ranging from capital to housing to feeding to marketing, topics that will help you succeed greatly in your dream. Let us start with choosing the type of bird to rear.
Choice of Bird
It is imperative to know what kind of poultry breeds to cultivate. Today in Nigeria, there are three significant classes that are regular among poultry rearers
They are:
These are young chicks raised for meat. They are raised from day one until they develop from a weight of 40 g to a load of roughly 1.5 to 2 kg or more in about a month and a half.
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These are Hens utilized for business egg creation and afterwards are slaughtered for meat. Layers are raised from one day old and they begin laying eggs at the age of 18-19 weeks and will continue until they are 72-78 weeks old.
Cockerels are likewise for meat creation and have quite a unique market request however, its development is moderate, not the normal for the broilers that develop quick.
Like I said before, it’s imperative to know the breed to choose, there are
These are the most famous distributors of chicks, so I advise you to choose which one to choose and accept.
Let us look into the Capital needed to start the business;
Here is an estimation for your poultry Capital cost in the case you are developing broiler chicks. If you don’t have this capital yet. Don’t worry, you can consider these 5 ways to fund your startup business
If you are doing 100 – 200 broilers, you need around 100,000 naira – 300,000 naira to raise them and your income will be inside 200,000 naira – 500,000 naira.
If you are doing 1,000 – 3,000 broilers, you need around 800,000 naira – 2.5 million Naira. I am certain you would get 1.5 Million Naira to 5 Million Naira as profit.
Furthermore, the greater your scale of production, the bigger your benefit, and once your capital investment is finished; you can use the structures and hardware for quite a while. For new poultry farmers, there are numerous spots where you can lease the gear necessary for the business.
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My advice is, to begin with just a small percentage of your investment funds, about 10% – 20% of your savings (do not use your whole savings,) and when you really comprehend the business and have self-evident income, then you can apply for a bank advance or overdraft.
Now let’s talk about Siting and location
Siting and Location
Where your poultry ranch is arranged is significant for your business. To begin the poultry business, you need a ranch site. The size of the poultry site ought to be controlled by the number of birds you want to raise. In the event that you have enough land in your backyard and cannot bear to get another site, it is better to begin little. You should begin with what you have, focus on it and improve the site or get another one when you can manage the cost of it.
A very decent poultry farm ought to be away from the bedlam and hustle-clamour of the big city. It should also be quiet and contamination-free. The farm site must have satisfactory, spotless and healthy drinking water sources close by to prevent dehydration of animals. The site must be free from poultry predators like foxes and panthers. The site must be located with access to good roads to facilitate the transportation of items when they are prepared, to be purchased.
Now that you have gotten these things down, let us focus on housing;
You have to consider a lot of things when building pens for your poultry. Housing types are assembled into; Intensive, semi-intensive or extensive frameworks.
For relatively new farmers, you need to choose a raising framework that suits your motivation/capital. The extensive and semi-intensive framework is better used with farmers with admittance to enormous sections of land where the birds can move uninhibitedly with great admittance to daylight. Poaching is a significant problem in this framework and diseases are also a serious issue.
In the intensive framework, birds are restricted to battery confines or litter houses where ventilation and light should be considered in the development of the framework, although this is capital intensive.
The hardware utilized for raising poultry is comparative with the raising and type of lodging framework used. The normal gear utilized for these are feeders, consumers, radiators, brooders, confines, boxes, et al with different sorts, brands and determinations all reliant on components such as capital accessible, lodging and raising framework.
For successful business poultry farming, great quality, exceptionally nutritious feed is an unquestionable requirement. Quality feeds keep the fowl sound consistently and extremely gainful in weight and size. The feed must be kept spotless, free from pests and dry consistently, as debased feed can contaminate poultry. Quality and nutritious food is the best way to assure success in the poultry cultivating business. Your birds should never ever lack water. The absence of satisfactory water will stunt their development.
You need to constantly guarantee your fowl’s free approach clean water. If they do not see water for an all-encompassing timeframe their egg creation would languish over quite a while which affects your benefit.
Legitimate prescription and immunization can and will forestall numerous poultry sicknesses. As an upcoming business poultry farmer, you have to have a veterinarian that can come and immunize, diagnose and treat your birds when the need emerges. There are different routine prescriptions that must be followed to the letter and inoculations that help towards the fitness of your birds to guard them against infections and bacterial contaminations, in case they come down with a terrible disease ailment.
The equivalent also goes with taking care of and maintaining your birds, you need to guarantee your birds get great access to an even portion feed that suits their creation levels. Taking care of and watering your poultry birds will be your greatest operational difficulties, do not squander any second in taking care of your business investment.
Records ought to be kept, these ought to have space to record mortality of birds, age, feed utilization, water use, immunization and drug dosage, everyday egg numbers(if its layers) and records of any administration or infection issues. These records are highly significant in getting ready for any future poultry ventures, illness control projects, and making assessments and gauges.
Poultry raising, whether as a diversion or as a business gives incredible joy, fulfilment and returns if done accurately. The lesson to inculcate from this article is to assemble poultry business slowly, learning as you go, fix major or minor operational issues rapidly, and keep appropriate up to date records. I believe you have learnt the majority of topics that must have been burning in your mind to ask about this business. Do not be scared to go for more research to clarify yourself on some issues or topics that may still be burning questions into your mind continuously.
When it comes to marketing your birds, it is good to know that there is a lot of market for these birds ranging from hotels to restaurants to local meat markets.
The type and variety of chicks you buy heavily affect their development, so it is advised to get a variety that is amazingly good.
You should get a variety that amplifies the possibilities of your desire and one that will not give you sleepless nights and losses, get them from an entirely trustworthy incubator or distributor that has a past filled with good recommendations.
It is critical to take note of the fact that the nature of day-old chicks you get is the starting establishment of raising amazing birds. So it’s necessary that when purchasing day-old chicks, do ensure that you take a ton of time into exploring and posing inquiries about every incubator or distributor that you can purchase from and the variety of chicks they offer before making a buy.
If done right, the poultry business is one of the most profitable businesses in Nigeria, it can generate a lot of funding and give meaning to life.
Believe me, doing it right can guarantee your success even above those who have fancy white-collar jobs like that of a banker, nurse etc. The agriculture business is extremely lucrative, just do it right. But research well and get your affairs in order before you start it, because it can give you High Blood Pressure if you fail to follow its rulers and your birds start dying, so it’s imperative that you don’t try to cut corners when raising them to prevent stories that touch the heart.
Therefore, my advice to you is to after reading this post and you still wish to engage in the business, get yourself a mentor, i.e. mentor, in this case, would mean someone that has a lot of experience rearing these birds, he/she could be your first port of call if you have any emergencies, which are impossible to avoid.